but lets get down to buisness...
heard of the saying you are what you eat? well what about you are what you wear?
i think that tshirts are one of the coolest ways of self expression. besides tattoos. just a little less perminent. ya kno? so i just wanted to discuss these tees and why i love them? or why i thought they were on the fierce side of the fashion scale.

1.jesus loves me and my tattoos. i love tats. tats love me too. right now i only have 2. im getting 2 more quite soon. so this shirt is made esp. for me.
2. obama yall!! obama 08! time for a change!
3. have you ever woke up. closet full of clothes. but yet nothing to wear? thats me basicly every day! lol
4.i think everyone feels this way from time to time. " i just need a little me time"
those days when every body is naggin you. and sayin ish thats only gettin on your nerves. ugh! too wack! on days like this i just throw on this shirt. sit in my room and drink a nice hot cup of coco! lol
5.yes Jesus Loves me....enough said
6. Bob Marley!!! he's a must have for the tshirt collector. i mean. i love jamaica. my bestfriends jamacian. i belive in bobs way of life.
passs thaaa gannnjjjaaa on the left hand side... nah im playin ;-)
7.black barbie up in this boiiiii!!! every one knows that barbie is an iconic figure. but sadly most of us only think of barbie as white with blond hair and blue eyes.but its 2008! time for a change! so the definition of barbie can be black,white,asian, etc!
8. Aubree Hepburn is one of the most beautifulist ladies i have ever seen!! her look was just so amazing! simple,plain, but classic.